
Extreme Frugal Living: 37 Tips for Maximum Savings


In a world where every penny counts, these 37 extreme frugal living tips offer innovative and unconventional ways to stretch your budget to the max.

From salvaging expired food with a discerning eye to embracing a raw diet, each tip provides a unique perspective on how to minimize expenses and maximize savings.

Whether it’s reusing utensils from fast-food joints, collecting shower water, or even considering a 7-day water fast, these suggestions cater to those seeking not just financial consciousness but a complete reimagining of their lifestyle.

Dive into this collection for a glimpse into the realm of extreme frugality, where resourcefulness and creativity converge for a more economically conscious existence.

1. Eat expired food:

For the super thrifty, consuming expired food isn’t off the table. Learn how to safely remove mold from bread or cheese and utilize the rest, proving that with a keen eye, food waste can be minimized.

2. Eat Out Less:

Dining out is a significant expense. Discover the economic advantages of planning a weekly menu, buying groceries accordingly, and preparing meals at home to cut down on restaurant costs.

3. Save Condiment Packages:

Next time you dine out, consider collecting excess condiment packages. This simple habit can lead to significant savings by reducing the need to purchase these items separately.

4. Reuse utensils:

Cut down on costs by reusing utensils obtained from fast-food places or restaurants. A quick wash can make them as good as new, eliminating the need for disposable cutlery.

5. Cut back on fancy coffee:

Transitioning away from expensive coffee habits doesn’t mean giving up caffeine altogether. Explore how opting for a traditional coffee maker can contribute to frugal living without sacrificing your daily cup.

6. Make Your Own Cleaning Products:

Explore the cost-saving benefits of creating homemade cleaning products using natural ingredients. Not only is it healthier, but it can also significantly reduce the average household’s annual spending on cleaning supplies.

7. Stop using toilet paper.

Discover an unconventional frugal tip—using a bidet toilet seat or even washable toilet paper as alternatives to traditional toilet paper.

8. Go With One Car:

Consider downsizing to one car to cut down on one of the most expensive possessions for many households. Learn how managing with a single car can be a wise move toward frugal living.

9. Sleep in Your Car While on Vacation:

Save on accommodation costs during road trips by opting to sleep in your car instead of booking a hotel room. This extreme tip may not be for everyone, but it can lead to substantial savings.

10. Sleep at Walmarts for Free:

Explore the adventurous option of parking and sleeping in Walmart parking lots for free during vacations. Learn about the potential cost savings and flexibility this unconventional approach offers.

11. Try the RV Lifestyle:

Consider the extreme frugality of living in an RV. This lifestyle choice can significantly reduce housing and utility costs while providing the flexibility to travel affordably.

12. Live in a Storage Unit:

Living in a storage unit may seem unconventional, but it’s an extremely budget-friendly approach to cutting down on rent costs. Explore the potential savings and minimalist lifestyle associated with this option.

13. Live with Your Parents:

Cut down on rent and utility costs by considering the option of living with your parents until you can save enough to purchase your own home.

14. Attend free events for free food:

Take advantage of free events that often provide complimentary food. From art gallery openings to financial seminars, discover how attending these events can contribute to frugal living.

15. Make Your Own Soap:

Explore the cost-saving benefits of making your own soap instead of purchasing expensive hand soap dispensers.

Learn how this simple DIY approach can be both economical and environmentally friendly.

16. Stick with hand washing:

Save energy by opting for hand washing instead of running the dishwasher.

Discover how this choice is more about conserving energy than water and can contribute to frugal living.

17. Put a Brick in Your Toilet Tank:

Learn how placing a brick in your toilet tank can reduce water usage with each flush, leading to substantial monthly water savings for your household.

18. Adjust the TV color to black.

Consider the idea of changing your TV color to black to potentially extend its lifespan and lower energy bills over time.

Discover how darker colors on the screen might use less power.

19. Use the Bathroom at the Office to Save on Toilet Paper:

An unconventional frugal tip involves taking advantage of the supplies available at your workplace, such as toilet paper.

Explore how this small change can contribute to overall savings.

20. Use Urine for Gardening:

Discover the surprising utility of urine in the garden, providing nitrogen for certain plants.

This extreme frugal tip not only saves money but also contributes to sustainable gardening practices.

21. Reuse tea bags:

Explore the practice of reusing tea bags to make multiple cups of tea.

Learn how this simple habit can help you maximize the value of your tea purchases.

22. Shower less often:

In the pursuit of super-frugal living, consider limiting showers to once every few days.

Explore how this extreme approach not only saves water but also contributes to overall cost savings.

23. Collect Free Hotel Shampoos and Soaps:

Maximize your hotel stays by collecting free toiletries such as shampoos and soaps.

Learn how assembling a basket of these items for guests can contribute to a more frugal household.

24. Use dish soap as shampoo.

Consider using dish soap as a more economical alternative to pricey shampoos. Explore how this unconventional switch can be both cost-effective and efficient.

25. Collect shower water.

Discover an environmentally friendly, frugal tip by collecting shower water for reuse.

Learn how this practice can benefit your plants or assist in cleaning household surfaces.

26. Use only tap water for drinking.

Explore the financial and health benefits of sticking to tap water for drinking.

Learn how eliminating sugary drinks from your household can lead to substantial savings.

27. Go Meatless:

Consider adopting a meatless lifestyle to save on grocery costs.

Learn how reducing meat consumption, even if only a few times a week, can contribute to significant financial savings.

28. Go Raw:

Explore the potential financial and health benefits of a raw diet.

Discover how embracing unprocessed and raw foods can lead to savings on both ingredients and the utility costs associated with meal preparation.

29. Cut Your Own Hair:

Save on salon expenses by learning how to cut your own hair. With the right tools and some guidance, you can achieve a cost-effective haircut at home.

30. Get Rid of Your Smartphone:

Explore extreme money-saving measures by parting ways with your smartphone.

ConsiderConsider switching to a simple flip phone for calls and texts or relying on a landline.

31. Sell Almost All of Your Stuff:

Declutter your living space and earn extra money by selling items you no longer use.

DiscoverDiscover the financial and psychological benefits of simplifying your life.

32. Take online surveys:

Explore the world of online surveys to earn extra income. Learn how signing up for various survey companies can translate into monthly earnings ranging from $25 to over $100.

33. Register for Free Online Courses:

Access quality education without breaking the bank by registering for free online courses. Platforms like Coursera and Udemy offer a range of courses, allowing you to learn new skills without financial barriers.

34. Work at a Restaurant:

Discover how working at a restaurant can offer not only a source of income but also affordable meals.

Many restaurants provide their employees with free or discounted meals after their shifts.

35. Avail Freebies from Amazon Direct Shipping:

Explore the concept of Amazon direct shipping, where sellers sell excess inventory directly to consumers.

Learn how this approach bypasses storage fees and can offer discounted or free items.

36. Try dumpster diving.

Consider dumpster diving as a way to find items for personal use or resale.

Explore how identifying stores that discard items without damage can lead to unexpected treasures.

37. Try the 7-Day Water Fast:

Explore the health and financial benefits of a 7-day water fast. While this extreme frugal tip may not be suitable for everyone, fasting has been studied for its potential health advantages.


These 37 extreme frugal living tips showcase a range of unconventional approaches to saving money and embracing a more financially conscious lifestyle.

While some may be more extreme than others, each tip offers unique insights into creative ways to cut costs and maximize savings.

Whether you’re looking to adopt a minimalist lifestyle, reduce daily expenses, or explore alternative living arrangements, these tips provide a diverse array of options for those seeking a frugal approach to life.

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